Stand up. Stand out. Never stand still.
Do you run a side hustle that you think might be a solid business model? Do you have an idea that could change the world if only you had the time and money?
This Spring, the Southwest Colorado Small Business Development Center and Fort Lewis College invite you to bring your A-game to High School Hawk Tank, a spin-off of the Hawk Tank Business Plan Competition designed specifically for you and your peers.
The School of Business Administration at FLC is working with FLC’s American Indian Business Leaders to promote the competition to regional high schools ranging from Durango to Shiprock, Bayfield to Bloomfield. Teams of no more than three students will have one month to craft a business plan and pitch it to each other, to other teams, and, ultimately, to a panel of business leaders in the community.
The payoff
What’s in it for you, you ask? Beyond access to in-person support from Fort Lewis College faculty, alumni, local business professionals, the Beta Alpha Pi honor society, and the Reed Library patent librarian, besides the opportunity of a lifetime to further your entrepreneurial capabilities and turn your dreams into reality, how about $44,550 in scholarships and cash awards?
If your team wins, each member will receive up to an $8,000 scholarship and a $500 cash award. Each second-place team member will receive up to a $4,000 scholarship and a $250 cash award, while third-place team members will each receive up to a $2,000 scholarship and a $100 cash award.
Winners will be announced on April 15, 2023. What are you waiting for?
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High School Hawk Tank awards