Take part in your democracy
Welcome! Use this Fort Lewis College Civic Engagement Hub for information on voting and all things politics. Find out how to register, cast your absentee ballot, where to vote--and more--so you can take part in your democracy.
Email Paul DeBell, Assistant Professor of Political Science, with questions. This information is brought to you by the Associated Students of Fort Lewis College Legislative Affairs Committee and the Fort Lewis Political Science Department.
It's an important year for the United States and our campus community, and the November general election is a big part of that. For the first time ever, Fort Lewis College is participating in the All in Campus Democracy Challenge in which colleges and universities from all over the country compete to see who can get the highest percentage of their students to vote.
Pledge to Vote and make sure to say you're from Fort Lewis College so we can gain national recognition for how engaged we Skyhawks are!
Registering to vote is always the first step, and we want to make registering quick and easy for you. Whether you’re here in the U.S., overseas or a military voter the U.S. Vote foundation has got you covered.
If you’re already registered to vote, but not in Colorado, no need to fear. Vote.Org helps you get your absentee ballot no matter which state you are registered in. Just enter your voter information or find the link your state. Vote.Org provides resources and information on all of the requirements needed for any voter in any state.
Follow through with your plans to vote. Make a plan to vote with friends and know when, where and how you’re going to vote. Sign up for personalized election reminders to keep up to date with election happenings!
2018 Voting Rate for All Institutions
2018 Voting Rate for FLC
Increase in FLC’s Voting Rate
Health professions
Parks, recreation, leisure, & fitness
Voting rate for all institutions
2018 voting rate for FLC
Increase in FLC's voting 2014-18
*Voting data taken from the 2018 National Study of Learning, Voting & Engagement report prepared by Tufts University for Fort Lewis College.
Stay informed and take action on behalf of your voting rights. We want to provide resources for you, so that our students feel that they are prepared, informed and have access to their right to be heard.
Reach out to your elected officials to make your voice heard on the issues that matter to you. Contact your representatives and let them know what their consituents think.
If any official tries to stop you from voting or tells you that you are ineligible, report it to Election Protection. Protect your right to vote.
As a local voter you can check your registration, see when you will get your ballot, and check when your ballot is received and counted.