Hawk Tank workshops & business planning

Get professional guidance and mentorship to make your business plan amazing. Workshops are available to all Hawk Tank participants (high school, college and alumni tracks) as well as the community. Your registration for events is helpful for us but optional. Events are subject to minor updates and revisions.

You can still access support and resources for your business plan, even if you can't make it to an information session or  workshop.

Event date: 4/10/2025 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Export event
Claire Burke
/ Categories: Hawk Tank

Hawk Tank Workshop Series | Pitching your Business Ideas

Pitching your Business Ideas

Weekly on Thursdays, February 6 through April 10 | 5 - 7 p.m.

  • February 6 | Making Your Business Ideas a Reality 101
  • February 13 | Legal Concerns and Issues
  • February 20 | Market Analysis and Revenue Forecasting
  • February 27 | Review Revenue Projections, Projecting Costs, Cash Management, Fixed Assets, and Working Capital with FLC’s Beta Alpha Psi
  • March 6 | Financial Projection Presentations with FLC’s Beta Alpha Psi, Final Hawk Tank Submission Questions
  • March 13 | Final Hawk Tank Final Submission Expectations (Business Plan and 1-minute Pitch Video)
  • April 10 | Pitching your Business Ideas

FLC’s Center for Innovation - 835 Main Ave, Suite 225, Durango, CO

Durango street parking requires meter payment until 6 p.m. Free meter parking after 6 p.m.  Please be aware that the city gives parking violations until that time.

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