Eligibility & application

We accept applications year-round until we are at capacity. We serve 200 students annually.


You are eligible for TRIO if:

  • You are a citizen or permanent resident of the United States; and
  • You have a need for academic support; and
  • You are currently a FLC student or have been admitted and are pursuing your first bachelor's degree.

In addition, you must meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Neither one of your supporting parents had a Bachelor's degree before you became 18 years old;
  • You meet federal low-income guidelines; or
  • You have a documented disability.
    • 1 of 5
    • 20%
    • Apply For TRIO

      Questions about this application? Call TRIO at 970-946-5372.

    • Note: Fields in red are required

    • If you said yes or aren’t sure, don’t continue with this application until speaking with TRIO SSC’s director.

    • If you said yes or aren’t sure, don’t continue with this application. TRIO is unable to serve students pursuing the nursing degree. The coordinator of the Nursing program at FLC can guide you towards resources that are just as helpful.

    • About You

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