FLC offers three main study abroad programs

University Studies Abroad Consortium

USAC is a non-profit, university-based organization offering students opportunities to study abroad in dozens of countries across the globe. While abroad, students immerse themselves in classes alongside other American students, and the curriculum is often tailored toward an American audience.

Fort Lewis College has collaborated with USAC to provide scholarships for eligible students; not all types of financial aid are applicable. Students who embark on this journey will pay their tuition and program fees directly to USAC.

International Student Exchange Program

ISEP is a non-profit organization connecting to over 100 universities worldwide, providing a broad exchange opportunity spectrum. Students pay FLC tuition, additional fees, and a room and meal package. To help pay for it, students can use a tuition waiver, the Reisher Scholarship, and all forms of financial aid, except work-study.

As with USAC, Fort Lewis College and ISEP have partnered to offer scholarships to students, making studying abroad more accessible.

Application deadlines:

  • September 15 for the Spring semester
  • March 1 for the Fall semester

Partner Exchange (see the Partner Exchange School list below) 

Partner Exchange programs introduce students to a unique structure of reciprocal agreements. Students pay their home school tuition and fees, and an international student will take their place at Fort Lewis College. The beauty of this program is the rich cultural interaction, as students typically attend classes with peers from the partner country and other international scholars.

With financial aid broadly applicable, including tuition waivers and the Reisher Scholarship, students can engage in courses that may be department-specific or spread across the entire Campus.

Partner Schools

Partner Schools

Åbo Akademi | Turku, Finland

Location Turku, Finland
Website www.abo.fi/
Language(s) of instruction English
Academic year Semester 1: September to Late December | Semester 2: January to May
Host institution contact International Affairs
Fields of study Art, Biosciences, Business and Economics, Chemical Engineering, Finnish, Information Technologies, Law, Natural Sciences, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Swedish, Theology, Women’s Studies

Please see the course catalog for more information.
Submission of visa In person or via mail (See more details)


Finland (Åbo Akademi University) requires 100,000 euro for the insurance. Please ask the International Programs Office to guide you to select the correct insurance policy. 

BI Norwegian School of Management | Oslo, Norway

Location Oslo, Norway
Website www.bi.edu/
Language(s) of instruction English
Academic year Fall semester: Mid August to December | Spring semester: January to Mid June
Host institution contact International Office
Fields of study Mostly business courses. See  international student page for more details.
Housing Student Dormitory or flat (See more details)
Submission of visa In person (See more details) 

Charles Darwin University | Darwin, Australia

Location Darwin, Australia
Website www.cdu.edu.au
Language(s) of instruction English
Academic year Semester 1: Mid February to June | Semester 2: Mid July to November
Host institution contact Learning Abroad
Fields of study Aboriginal and Australian studies, Architecture, building, design and planning, Art and design, Business and economics, Computing and information technology, Education and teaching, Engineering, Environmental studies, Humanities and social sciences, Law and legal studies, Medicine and health, Music and performing arts, Science and mathematics
Housing International House, Student Dormitories, Private Apartment (See more details)
Submission of visa Online (See more details)

Semester 2 students seeking financial aid

Since Australian Semester 2 starts in July, which is our summer term, you will be registered for summer instead of Fall so that your financial aid will be properly distributed for your need while you study in Australia.

Because you will be registered for summer term for financial aid purposes, when you come back to FLC for following the winter term, you will not be able to register until open registration (even if you are a junior or senior). Please plan accordingly.

Compulsory overseas student health cover (OSHC)

Students are required to purchase OSHC for visa purpose. You will be billed once you receive your acceptance letter from Charles Darwin. Until you pay the fee, you will not receive your COE (Confirmation of Enrollment) code, which you will need to apply for your student visa.

About visa

Students are required to purchase OSHC for visa purpose. You will be billed once you receive your acceptance letter from Charles Darwin. Until you pay the fee, you will not receive your COE (Confirmation of Enrollment) code, which you will need to apply for your student visa.

Gunma University | Gunma, Japan

Location Gunma, Japan
Website www.guic.gunma-u.ac.jp/english
Language(s) of instruction Japanese, English
Academic year Fall semester: October to February | Spring semester: April to August
Host institution contact Gunma University International Office
Fields of study Please see the course list for details
Housing University dormitories, homestay, share house (See more details)
Submission of visa In person or via mail (See more details) 

Hochschule Regensburg - University of Applied Sciences | Regensburg, Germany

Location Regensburg,Germany
Website www.oth-regensburg.de/en/
Language(s) of instruction English, German
Academic year Fall semester: September to February | Spring semester: March to July
Host institution contact International Office
Fields of study Mostly business courses (See more details)
Submission of visa May apply for residence permit after entering Germany (See more details)

Hogeschool van Amsterdam - Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) | Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Location Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Website www.amsterdamuas.com
Language(s) of instruction English, Dutch
Academic year Fall semester: Late August to Mid December | Spring semester: Late January to June/July
Host institution contact International Office
Fields of study Mostly business courses (See more details)
Housing Apartment or flat (See more housing details) 
Submission of visa Apply for a Resident Permit after arriving in the Netherlands (See more about visa requirements)

Kansai Gaidai University | Osaka, Japan

Location Osaka, Japan
Website www.kansaigaidai.ac.jp/
Language(s) of instruction English, Japanese
Academic year Fall semester: September to Mid December | Spring semester: Late January to Late May
GPA Minimum 3.0
Host institution contact Center for International Education
Fields of study Japanese Language, international business, etc. (See more information)
Housing Home stay, dormitory or off-campus housing(See more details)
Submission of visa In person or via mail 

Konan University | Kobe, Japan

Location Kobe, Japan
Website https://www.konan-u.ac.jp/english/
Language(s) of instruction English, Japanese
Academic year Fall semester: September to December (Japanese Beginner level available) | Spring semester: Late January to mid-May
GPA Minimum 3.0
Host institution contact Konan International Exchange Center
Fields of study Japanese language, culture, etc. (See more information)
Housing Home stay, dormitory (See more details)
Submission of visa In person or via mail (See more details)

La Rochelle Business School | La Rochelle, France

Location La Rochelle, France
Website www.excelia-group.com
Language(s) of instruction English, French
Academic year Semester 1: September to January | Semester 2: January to June
Host institution contact International Office 
Fields of study Business courses, French language
Housing Homestay or apartments (See more details)
Submission of visa In person at the Consulate of France in LA (See more details)

Örebro Universitet | Örebro, Sweden

Location Örebro, Sweden
Website www.oru.se/
Language(s) of instruction English, Swedish
Host institution contact International Office
Fields of study English, French, Gender Studies, History, Human Geography, Comparative Literature, Media and Communication Studies, Education, Rhetoric, Civics, Sociology, Political Science, Swedish, German, Criminology, Psychology, Law, Social Work, Automation Technology, Biology, Business, etc.

Please see the course catalog for more information.
Housing Student residence (See more details) 
Submission of visa In person or via mail: (See more details)

Syddansk Universitet – University of Southern Denmark | Odense, Denmark

Location Odense, Denmark
Website www.sdu.dk
Language(s) of instruction English, Danish
Academic year Fall semester: September to January
Spring semester: February to June
Host institution contact SDU International
Fields of studies Engineering, Humanities, Science, Social Sciences, Danish Language (See more details)
Housing Student hall or rented flat (See more details)
Submission of visa Via mail: Learn more about visa requirements.  

University of Kitayushu | Kokura, Japan

Location Kokura, Japan
Website www.kitakyu-u.ac.jp/
Language(s) of instruction English, Japanese
Academic year Fall semester: October to February | Spring semester: April to July
GPA Minimum 3.0 
Host institution contact The Center for International Education and Exchange
Fields of study Japanese Language, Culture, Sustainable Development, etc.

Please see the course catalog for more information.
Housing Private apartment
Submission of visa In person or via mail: (See more details)

University of the Ryukyus | Okinawa, Japan

Location Okinawa, Japan
Website ges.skr.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/
Language(s) of instruction English, Japanese
Academic year Fall semester: Early October to Mid February | Spring semester: Early April to Mid August
Host institution contact Global Education Section
Fields of study Japanese language, culture (See guidebook for more details) 
Housing International house, student dormitories or private apartment (See more details)
Submission of visa In person or via mail: (See more details)

JASSO international student scholarship

You can apply for JASSO scholarship at the time of admission. If awarded, the student will receive a monthly stipend of 80,000 Yen (currency converter) and relocation allowance of 80,000 Yen (paid once, upon arrival).

Waseda University | Tokyo, Japan

Location Tokyo, Japan
Website www.waseda.jp
Language(s) of instruction English, Japanese
Academic year Fall semester: September to February | Spring semester: April to July 
GPA Minimum 3.0
Host institution contact Center for International Education
Fields of study Japanese language, culture, etc. Please see the academics portal for more information.
Housing University dormitories, homestay, share house (See more details)
Submission of visa In person or via mail: (See more details)

Other FLC Study Abroad options

Additional programs offered on campus are either faculty-led or sponsored by a faculty member via independent study. Students should contact individual faculty members for information and application requirements.

Contact us

130 Skyhawk Station

Scott Miller
SEVIS Officer
International Student Advisor
Email: miller_scott@fortlewis.edu
Phone: 970-986-6898

Yuriko Miller
Study Abroad Advisor
Email: miller_y@fortlewis.edu
Phone: 970-986-6922