Jonathan Harvey, Ph.D.

Jonathan Harvey, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Geosciences



  • Geomorphology 
  • Neotectonics 
  • Landscape evolution 
  • Meteorology and hydrology of the western US 
  • Remote sensing and GIS applied to geomorphic and environmental change 


  • Ph.D., Earth Science, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2015 
  • M.S., Geology, Utah State University, 2009 
  • B.S., Geography/Meteorology, Ohio University, 2007 

About Jonathan Harvey, Ph.D.

Jonathan Harvey is an associate professor in the Department of Geosciences at Fort Lewis College. He joined the college in 2015. Harvey's current research focuses on mountain building rates and style in the Nepalese Himalayas, based on three years of fieldwork, labwork, and modeling. Upcoming research focuses on ancient and modern floods in slot canyons of the Colorado Plateau and on using UAVs to map the topography of landslides, river terraces, and other geomorphic features. 
Before joining the faculty at Fort Lewis College, Harvey was an Instructor of Record at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He also served as a Hollings Scholar intern at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a quaternary geologist for the National Park Service, an academic consultant for Pearson Publishing, and a geoscience intern for ExxonMobil Production Company. Harvey is a member of several professional associations, including the National Association of Geoscience Teachers, the American Geophysical Union, and the Geological Society of America.

Selected publications and presentations 

Along-Strike Changes in Himalayan Thrust Geometry: Topographic and Tectonic Discontinuities in Western Nepal, co-authored with D. W. Burbank and B. Bookhagen, Lithosphere, 2015 

Reconciling Arroyo Cycle and Paleoflood Approaches to Late Holocene Alluvial Records in Dryland Streams, co-authored with J. L. Pederson, Quaternary Science Review, 2011   

Exploring Relations between Arroyo Cycles and Canyon Paleoflood Records in Buckskin Wash, Utah - Reconciling Scientific Paradigms, co-authored with J. L. Pederson and T. M. Rittenour, GSA Bulletin, 2011 

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