Upcoming UGR events

Communicating Your Research_Workshop 3

Do you want to create a TED-like talk about your research? Join us to learn about this genre and prepare an outstanding talk that educates and entertains.

March 13, 2025

12:30 PM

Student Union Ballroom

Do you want to give a TED-like talk about your research, where you weave personal stories in with your discoveries? 

TED-like talks are powerful presentations that foster learning, inspiration, and wonder. These talks are well-known for their engaging, thought-provoking nature and their ability to condense complex ideas into digestible, impactful messages. If you are interested in creating a TED-like talk about your research, please join us for this workshop where we will discuss the key elements of this public speaking genre and help you get started creating your slides and developing your talk.  We will also create a plan for how you can practice your talk with guidance from public speaking coaches.  Out of the group of students who are interested in preparing this type of talk, two will be selected to speak at the Spring Symposium Awards Gala, happening on April 24, 2025.  We look forward to seeing you there.  There will be food!

Contact us

Christine Smith, Undergraduate Research Coordinator

Phone: 970-247-7327
Email: smith_christine@fortlewis.edu