Michael Martin-UGR Speaker Series

Join us for this TED-like talk by Dr.Michael Martin from the FLC Department of History

September 25, 2024

4:30 PM

FLC Theatre Mainstage


Title: "I don't know, and that is okay"

Join us on September 25th at 4:30 p.m. on the Main Stage of the FLC Theatre to hear Dr. Michael Martin from the FLC Department of History talk about his path to becoming a beloved professor.  How many times do you think you will say “I don’t know” during your time here at Fort Lewis College? Maybe while deciding what to research for a paper or for your senior seminar project? Or how to study for an exam? It is scary to think that we don’t know something, yet we don’t know lots of things all the time. Why does that bother us? It shouldn’t. You came here to Fort Lewis maybe not even knowing what your major would be but by declaring “I DON’T KNOW” you made it your challenge, your desire, your ability TO KNOW. So it really is not about what you don’t know, but rather let’s put a positive spin on it and figure out what do you really WANT to know, all the while knowing that you can sometimes confidently say “I don’t know”. And that’s just fine too. As long as you follow through on it, then it is not a failure, it is in fact a win. 

The FLC Undergraduate Research Speaker Series allows students at all levels, staff, faculty, and the broader Durango community to hear research-related personal stories. The talks last ~40 minutes and are followed by Q&A, free food, and conversation.  Watch previous Speaker Series talks on our YouTube channel.

Michael Martin-UGR Speaker Series

Contact us

Christine Smith, Undergraduate Research Coordinator

Phone: 970-247-7327
Email: smith_christine@fortlewis.edu