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CU Anschutz Research & Educational Opportunities

CU Anschutz is the largest academic health center in the Rocky Mountain region. The campus combines interdisciplinary teaching, research and clinical facilities to prepare the region’s future health care professionals and be a national leader in life sciences research. We offer master’s degrees, doctoral degrees, graduate certificates, and non-degree options in a wide variety of programs. Disciplines include Basic and Biomedical Science, Nursing, Pharmaceutical Science, Public Health, Clinical Science, Biotechnology, Anatomy, Genetic Counseling, and Palliative Care.

Johns Hopkins University

Chemistry-Biology Interface (CBI) Graduate Program

NYU School of Medicine

Graduate School Opportunities at the Sackler Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences

Princeton University

Graduate Program in Neuroscience

The University of Massachusetts - Boston

PhD program in Developmental and Brain Sciences (DBS)

UCLA Research Opportunities

Graduate students and undergraduates looking for summer research opportunities

Summer research and graduate school opportunities available at University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA).

University of Arizona - Tucson

Sloan Scholars Graduate School Funding

University of Arizona Graduate Studies

Indigenous Food, Energy, and Water Security and Sovereignty (Indige-FEWSS)

Goal: To develop a diverse workforce with intercultural awareness and FEWS expertise to address FEWS challenges in indigenous communities.

University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

Graduate School Opportunities and Financial Support

University of Buffalo

iSEED - Institute for Strategic Enhancement of Educational Diversity

University of Denver

Molecular and Cellular Biophysics Program, Department of Biological Sciences

University of Montana

Food-Energy-Water Nexsus

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Biological and Biomedical Sciences Program

University of Pennsylvania - Perelman School of Medicine

Ph.D. programs in Biomedical Graduate Studies (BGS)

Contact us

U-RISE contacts

Dr. Kenny Miller
Professor and Director, FLC NIH U-RISE Program

Department of Chemistry
144 Chemistry Hall
Email Kenny

Nicole Carey
U-RISE Program Coordinator

Email Nicole

Christine Smith, Undergraduate Research Coordinator

Phone: 970-247-7327