The CBI Program provides students with research and academic training that enables them to carry out interdisciplinary research as independent scientists. Students completing the program receive a Ph.D. in Chemical Biology. The CBI Program brings together 28 faculty from the Schools of Arts & Sciences, Engineering, Public Health and Medicine at Johns Hopkins University and provides a diverse selection of research projects for students. In order to assist them in choosing a research advisor, first year graduate students are supported by a NIH Chemical Biology Training Grant. During this time the CBI students participate in three 10-week research rotations that enable them to broaden their research skills and make informed choices of research advisors.
The University has a number of mechanisms to assist minority graduate students, including the Mentoring to Increase Diversity in Science organization.
Dr. Kenny MillerProfessor and Director, FLC NIH U-RISE ProgramDepartment of Chemistry144 Chemistry Hall970-247-7623Email Kenny
Nicole CareyU-RISE Program CoordinatorEmail Nicole
Phone: 970-247-7327Email: