Learn about our Community of Care Initiative

Student Engagement and Academic Affairs are focused on creating a Community of Care that serves, supports, and protects our students.  We come together to keep each other safe, and are true strength is our deep sense of interrelatedness and care for each other.  The phrase “Community of Care” captures our commitment to each other—and we continue to develop that commitment today.

Providing multifaceted care for our students

We have developed an integrated, cross-campus approach to providing care for our students—no matter what needs our students have, they can find the care and support they deserve.  Students can access a full range services, explained in our new guidebook:

Our sources of care include:

"No wrong door" to our open resources

Our entire FLC community welcomes all students as they ask for any form of support—there is “no wrong door” to asking for help.  Students are encouraged to seek out support from any FLC employee and they will be directed to the services they need.  This idea is captured in our SQUAWK (Skyhawk Question and Answer Week), held the second week of each semester, and our WellPAC Fresh Check Day, held each fall.   Our Community of Care promotes student success through community-level solutions, such as fostering social connections, providing appropriate academic support systems, and ensuring employees and students understand how to access campus resources.  We are proud to be a community that puts the care of each other first, in all we do.