If you need emergency help for personal injury or a chemical spill which threatens personal safety, call 911 from a campus phone. Your call will notify FLC Police Department and Durango Fire Protection District. Emergency medical personnel and/or HazMat personnel will respond as appropriate.
If someone is injured or could be injured call 911 from a campus phone.
If it is 1 or more gallons of flammable liquids or you feel the situation is dangerous, call 911 from a campus phone.
If the chemical might be harmful and no one is in danger, and you are trained in how to safely clean up the chemical, you can proceed and clean up the chemical. Put the chemical and all used clean up supplies in a trash bag or bucket and call the Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) office at 6926 for pickup and disposal.
EH&S can provide your workplace or lab with a Spill Cleanup Kit containing cleanup supplies for spills and up to 2 gallons of liquid. The kit contains gloves, adsorbents, disposal bags and instructions.
EH&S can assist FLC employees and students with the safe use of chemical materials, advising on which materials to use and avoid, helping design safe practices, providing containers and labels, and removing unwanted materials from the workplace and labs.
Most SDSs can be found on line by doing a search of the common name, manufacturer, product number or chemical name. SDSs are being updated and stored on a routine basis, and may be found on the internal SDS website.
First, review the SDS or another reference source. Some references are kept in the EH&S office in EBH 181. It is necessary to understand the hazards posed by the chemical material without thorough understanding of the material to avoid either underestimating or unnecessarily exaggerating the danger.
The major categories of hazardous materials include flammables, explosives, poisons, corrosive acids or bases, carcinogens, mutagens, teratogens and heavy metal materials. Materials not used on campus include radioactive materials, explosives, and acute poisons such as biotoxins and chemical warfare agents.
Fort Lewis College attempts to minimize the dangers of exposing people; buildings, and the environment to hazardous materials. Due to ongoing efforts of College faculty and staff, the level of hazards materials has been substantially reduced in recent years.
The following materials meet the definition of hazardous wastes in Colorado:
The term “hazardous waste” is defined by the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPH&E). Hazardous materials defined when no longer used, discarded or outdated as hazardous wastes are regulated by the CDPH&E. The CDPH&E publishes comprehensive lists of hazardous waste definitions and approved handling and disposal methods.
It is illegal to discard any hazardous waste generated on campus by placing into a dumpster or pouring down a sink drain. Only non-hazardous wastes can be disposed of on campus, including soaps, common household cleaners, food products and the like. No liquids may be disposed of in a dumpster. If you have a question regarding whether a material is hazardous waste, and how to dispose of it safely, contact the EH&S office at extension 6926.
Yes. Each employee has the legal responsibility to dispose of their hazardous waste in accordance with federal and state law. EH&S coordinates the annual hazardous waste cleanout centered on the materials stored in the Chemical Storage Building. A licensed hazardous waste hauling company is contracted to remove the waste from the College and dispose of it in accordance with federal and state laws.
Not all batteries can be recycled on campus, such as alkaline batteries. Batteries that can be recycled include nickel-cadmium (NiCad), nickel metal hydride and lithium ion batteries that are owned by the College. These batteries can be deposited in the recycling container located in the Physical Plant Storage yard.
Dead lead-acid batteries can be recycled in the Auto Shop located in the Physical Plant. Contact the Physical Plant Service Center for details (7000).
Personal batteries cannot be recycled at this time, but may be recycled at various businesses in town.
No. This waste is not the responsibility of the college and it is up to the individual to dispose of in a proper manner.