This is your home for finding a meeting or conference space on campus.
Regularly scheduled classes have priority for rooms on campus. Meetings during a particular term will not be scheduled in rooms until all regular classes have been scheduled for that term. A maintenance fee also applies to rooms.
Fort Lewis College departments who host their respective conferences on campus will be charged the non-profit rate for room rental.
Rooms designated as SMART rooms have the following amenities: Computer with Windows 7, data projector, audio capabilities, and wireless access.
Reserve a room
Vallecito Room (SUN 103)
Seats 80 – 140, Layout Options: Conference Tables, Round Tables, Classroom Tables, Theater Style, Projector, Screen, Podium, Crestron AV Controls - SMART
Cascade Room (SUN 112)
Seats 12, Conference Table, 2 Wall-Mounted Monitors, Crestron AV Controls, User Must Provide Own Laptop - SMART
$ 50
Dolores Room (SUN 113)
Seats 12, Conference Table, Wall Mounted TV Monitor, User Must Provide Laptop
Senate Chambers (SUN 163)
Seats 20 – 40, Conference Table, Projector, Screen, Podium, Crestron AV Controls - SMART
Colorado Room (SUN 211)
Seats 80, Layout Options: Conference Tables, Round Tables, Classroom Tables, Theater Style, 2 Wall Mounted Monitors, Podium, Crestron AV Controls - SMART
Ballroom (SUN 212)
Seats 200 -400, 16’ W X 8’ D Stage Riser, Layout Options: Round Tables, Classroom Tables, Theater Style, Customized, 2 Projectors, 2 Screens, Podium, Crestron AV Controls - SMART
La Plata Room (SUN 213)
Seats 15, Conference Table, TV Monitor, User Must Provide Own Laptop
SOBA Board Room (EBH 130)
Seats 20, Conference Table, Conference Phone, Wall-Mounted TV Monitor, User Must Provide Own Laptop - SMART
FLC Department Use Only
Finance Conference Room (EBH 230)
Seats 15, Conference Table, Conference Phone, Wall-Mounted TV Monitor, User Must Provide Own Laptop
EBH 240
Seats 10, Conference Table
Seminar Room (Chem 251)
Seats 20, Conference Table, Projector, Screen.
CSWS 271
Seats 20, Conference Table, No AV
Berndt 2402
Seats 20, Conference Table, Projector, Screen, User Must Provide Own Laptop - SMART
Noble 267
Seats 12, Conference Table, Wall-Mounted TV Monitor
Ready to make a reservation? Click here
Questions about costs? Contact us