Annual Employee Award winners

Recognize a colleague with a Fli-Hi Award

Want to show your appreciation for a fellow employee’s hard work? The Fli-Hi Award is a simple way to give them the recognition they deserve. Just follow these three steps:

  1. Download the Fli- Hi Award (PDF)
  2. Fill in the downloaded form and Save it with a different file name
  3. Upload it to Human Resources secure website
  4. We send a copy to you, the recipient, the recipient's supervisor, and put in the employee’s files

Each month, Fli-Hi Award recipients will also be celebrated in a campus-wide spotlight! Thank you for supporting and encouraging the amazing work happening at Fort Lewis College. Let’s keep building each other up.

Past Fli-Hi Award winners



April's willingness to assist our office with the creation of our Slate Exception to Graduation forms while juggling Workday responsibilities has been greatly appreciated. The forms are a big-time saver for the Registrar's Office and make requesting exceptions easier for faculty, staff, and students. Thank you for all of your hard work!

Asunta has gone above and beyond creating multiple Exception to Graduation forms in Slate that streamline the process for students, faculty, and advisors. This form has tons of features like routing for approvals that save us valuable time in the Registrar's Office. Asunta created helpful videos, instructions, and has continuously updated the form to improve user experience. We are incredibly grateful to Asunta for helping the Registrar's Office bring this long-awaited wish list item to fruition.

Dr. Nadon went above and beyond to assist the Katz School of Business and FLC's entrepreneurship program in getting an L.A.C. course (ENT 100) approved for the FLC Curriculum Committee and submitted to the State. All of her patience, time, creativity, and expertise is greatly appreciated.

Claire has provided a considerable amount of leadership and expertise to the Digital Accessibility Committee and FLC as a whole. In order to comply with State of Colorado law, Claire organized and managed the creation of a Digital Accessibility Statement and Plan. Without Claire's leadership, it would have been very difficult to meet the State's deadline. We appreciate her commitment to digital accessibility at FLC.

Danielle was inspecting her lab eye washing stations and found them to be flowing with hot water instead of cold. Her findings prevented what most certainly could have been an emergency injury or made an injury worse. She reported promptly—well done, Danielle!

Doug goes above and beyond every day at KDUR.

John has been a great addition to the purchasing department. He is very helpful delivering packages throughout campus and is always willing to lend a hand at the purchasing dock.

Lainie has done an outstanding job picking us all up and helping build team effort!

McKenna has done an awesome job with Orientation this year, from streamlining lunches to keeping a smile on all the students' faces!

Nico has done SUCH an incredible job with our new Orientation program. Never stopping or letting things get in the way of the incoming student experience, Nico's efforts are greatly appreciated by all.

Rob and Rod responded immediately to our labs' eyewash station issue. They were able to troubleshoot, explain the issue, and correct it quickly and efficiently. This restored labs to operational status so students could continue working. Well done and thank you!

Sarah is a huge part of KDUR, and we truly could not do this without her.

Sonia was very helpful providing the Accounting Office with information needed for year-end related to IT contracts. Cheryl Wiescamp made a point to say how nice Sonia is to work with, and Sonia pulled the information we needed for us, which saved us a lot of time. We really appreciate your help, Sonia!

If we had to describe Winn Cook in three words or fewer, it would be: "Grace Under Pressure." In the process of writing the 5-year grant proposal for TRIO STEM3 and for TRIO Student Success Center, there was a LOT of current, up-to-date institutional data that Jenn Wagnon and I each needed for our respective grants. And when the Department of Education surprised everyone by releasing the Request for Proposals and closing deadline months earlier than anyone had anticipated, it meant that both Jenn and I had to obtain and interpret that data FAST.

Winn was 100% a team player who understood the urgency of the situation and did everything he could to provide Jenn and I with the separate (and often very distinct) data we each needed within a tight timeframe. He worked extra-long hours (evenings and weekends) multiple times in order to help ensure that our two grant proposals would be as strong as possible and that we could both submit by the deadline. Winn has an exceptional ability to research and interpret data while maintaining grace under pressure. His optimistic, upbeat sense of professionalism made a potentially painful process much smoother.