Travis Custer
Executive Director | Montezuma County Land Conservancy
Travis Custer has a deep passion for the power of connecting people to the land and exploring the diverse stories of how land weaves itself through the human experience. He has been involved with non-profit and community-based work for over 15 years, with a diverse background in nonprofit management, leadership, agriculture, ecology, education, and social and environmental justice. As the Executive Director of Montezuma Land Conservancy, Travis has played an instrumental role in advancing the organization's community-centered conservation initiatives through MLC's education center, Fozzie’s Farm, and partnership with the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe. Travis also serves on the board of directors for Keep It Colorado, a statewide coalition for land trusts, where he advocates for a community and justice-centered approach to conservation across the land trust community in Colorado and around the country. Recently, he founded CORE Conservation Consulting, LLC, to support land trusts and conservation organizations committed to a new conservation paradigm and organizational development. Above all, Travis is a proud father to his son, Eddy, and enjoys learning and teaching alongside him as they work together to become better versions of themselves.
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