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| Title: | People looking at baskets |
Date/circa: | 1960/1969 |
Photographer: | Hetzel, Theodore B. (Kennett Square, Pa.) |
Subjects: | Pascoe, Dottie; ; ; Tohono O'Odham Indians|vPictorial works; Pima County (Ariz.) |
Notes: | Photo of four people, three women and a man, gathered outside viewing hand-woven baskets. The man is holding two baskets while two women at either side of him are holding one basket each. In the background is a log, brush and adobe structure with a log and stick corral next to it. The woman at the left of the image is Dottie (Mrs. Juan) Pascoe and she and a representative from the Self-Help Program Committee are buying baskets from the two women at the right of the image. |
Call number: | SW P003B5gFol5Item03 |
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