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| Title: | Theodore Hetzel portrait photo on "Indian Day" |
Date/circa: | 1963 |
Photographer: | |
Subjects: | Hetzel, Theodore B.; ; ; ; |
Notes: | A portrait photo of Dr. Hetzel on "Indian Day" in 1963, wearing a feathered headdress and a beaded tie. Ted was honored by the Iroquois Indians at Canandaigua, N.Y., on August 24, 1963, and given this headdress. As he wrote in the family newsletter of December, 1963: "As representative of the Philadelphia Friends' 168 year-old Indian Committee, Ted was adopted by the Wolf Clan of the Senecas and given the name 'Ong Gwah Dao' (Our Friend)." He considered it a thank-you to the Philadelphia Friends Meeting. |
Call number: | SW P003C2Fol1Item03 |
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