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Alice Admire Outstanding Teaching Award: Dr. Jennifer Stollman

One of the best tests of a great teacher is to ask what they find most rewarding about their jobs. The answers may vary, but they will invariably shift the focus from the teacher to the student. The best educators revel in the successes of their students, as is the case with Assistant Professor of History Dr. Jennifer Stollman.

New Faculty Award: Dr. Erik Juergensmeyer

Ask Dr. Erik Juergensmeyer what he finds most rewarding about teaching at Fort Lewis College and he sums his answer up in one word: “everything.” Dig into just what makes teaching so rewarding for him and he explains how he has seen what he teaches change the way his students look at the world and how they communicate with others. A big part of his teaching philosophy involves...

New Faculty Award: Dr. Justin McBrayer

In Dr. Justin McBrayer’s mind, professors should not profess. They should question. By that he means professors should be active participants in learning by guiding discussion and debate around a topic. Students and professors should learn together.

Outstanding Staff Award: Mr. Roy Horvath

Perhaps the best compliment that a person working in information technology can receive is that no one knows that they’re there. So many of us take for granted the ability to make a phone call or log onto the internet because it seems so automatic. The reality is that it takes people like Mr. Roy Horvath to keep the whole system humming along without skipping a beat.