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Grant awards from May 2016 - June 2016

Grant awards from May 2016 - June 2016

Over one month, 13 faculty and staff members received grants for their programs and departments, ranging in size from $940 - $1.1 million.

Marya Corrigan, Director, TRIO Upward Bound, received $1,000 from the Durango Education Foundation to hire a trainer to facilitate a shared teaming building training for Upward Bound students, FLC staff and ED 424 students during UB’s five-week summer residential academy.

Marya Corrigan, Director, TRIO Upward Bound, received $940 from the Ballantine Family Fund to assist with student transportation expenses to and from summer service learning sites during UB’s five-week summer residential academy.

Peggy Ferguson, Director, Campbell Child and Family Center, received $24,000 from the Temple Hoyne Buell Foundation of which $22,000 will be used for tuition assistance for low income or FLC student families and $2,000 will be used to offer the Incredible Years parenting class to current families and the community at large in January 2017.

Peggy Ferguson, Director, Campbell Child and Family Center, received $3,010 from Invest in Kids to support the Incredible Years parenting class in 2017.

Wendy Javier, Director, TRIO Talent Search, received $962 from the Durango Education Foundation to fund school supplies for middle school students participating in the summer 2016 College Camp at FLC.

Nik Kenziorski, Archives Manager, Center of Southwest Studies, received $5,000 from the Ballantine Family Fund for the Walker Art Studio Nitrate Negatives Preservation Project.

Bryant Liggett, Station Manager, KDUR, received $3,000 from the Gay and Lesbian Fund for Colorado for general operating support of the station.

Justin McBrayer, Associate Professor, Philosophy, received $134,673 from the John Templeton Foundation to plan a multi-year research project to investigate the philosophical and theological implications of empirical explanations of religion.

Ann McCarthy, Associate Professor, Mathematics and Pam Smith, Professor, Mathematics, received $1,000 from the LPEA Round-Up Foundation to support the 2016 Educational Conference hosted by the Southwest Math Teachers’ Circle.

Ann McCarthy, Associate Professor, Mathematics and Pam Smith, Professor, Mathematics, received $1,000 from the Ballantine Family Fund to support stipends for regional math teachers to offset the cost of graduate credit they earn through participating in the 2016 Educational Conference hosted by the Southwest Math Teachers’ Circle.

Kenny Miller, Associate Professor, Chemistry, received $70,000 over three years from the American Chemical Society-Petroleum Research Fund for “Molecular Jump Rope: Synthesis and Study of Axial Chirality in Cyclophanes Lacking Stereocenters” to support his research and summer research opportunities for eight chemistry students.

William Nollet, Assistant Professor, Physics & Engineering, received $12,769 from Advanced Mobile Propulsion Test, LLC to pay for his Engineering Senior Design Team (Engr 496/497) to design and deliver a hazardous materials safety shower to the AMPT test site in May 2016, giving his students hands-on experience with the design process, customer relations, and project management. 

Angie Rochat, Director, Sponsored Research and Doug Lyon, Senior Corporate and Foundation Officer, Office of Advancement, received $150,000 from the Boettcher Foundation for capital construction funding for the Geosciences, Physics and Engineering Hall.

Les Sommerville, Professor, Chemistry, received $1,097,842 over five years from the National Institutes of Health for “Minority Research Training in Biomedical and Behavioral STEM Disciplines at FLC” to fund summer research stipends, tuition and fees, and travel expenses and other services for students majoring in STEM disciplines who intend to pursue a Ph.D. in biomedical and behavioral research following graduation from FLC.

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