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Welcome back: Health pass required for class

February 1, 2021

Welcome back, Skyhawks!

I’m thrilled to see each of you and to have campus brimming with activity once again. Everyone at FLC appreciates all you’ve done to prepare for this week and everything you will do to keep our community safe this spring.

Faculty and staff have done an incredible job launching this semester of in-person learning and we know you’re ready to do your part now. Before you head to class this week, please remember to take these critical safety precautions:

  • Complete your mandatory COVID-19 test.
    • To learn in person, it is required you complete a COVID-19 test and receive a negative test result prior to attending class. Faculty are checking that every student in class has tested negative for COVID-19 since January 16.
    • Exemption: If you tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 90 days, and have been released from isolation by a public health representative, you are exempt from mandatory testing and can attend class in person. Contact to confirm your exemption.
    • If you still need to complete your mandatory test, register online at or schedule your test via the FLC App.
  • Wear a mask in all central outdoor areas of campus and at all times indoors.
  • Practice physical distancing indoors and outdoors.
  • Use the FLC App to track your symptoms every day. After you’ve tracked your symptoms, you’ll receive a health pass:
    • GREEN health pass – you can go to class. With a green health pass, you’re stating you have no symptoms and have taken the mandatory COVID-19 test and received a negative test result after January 16. Those who previously tested positive (in the last 90 days) will receive a green health pass if they have been cleared from isolation by a medical professional and have confirmed their previous positive test result with Student Affairs.
    • YELLOW health pass – you cannot go to class. You’ve received a yellow health pass if you have not yet gotten a negative test result or have tested at another site but haven’t uploaded your test result at You cannot go to class, but you may get grab-and-go food from campus dining.
    • RED health pass – you cannot go to class in person. A red health pass indicates that you are either symptomatic, have tested positive for COVID-19, or have been identified as a close contact of someone who tested positive. Symptomatic students living on campus can purchase grab-and-go food from the Student Union. Anyone in quarantine or isolation should not be engaging in person on campus.

Thank you for committing to these pillars of mitigation, Skyhawks. Let’s have a safe semester and as always, please reach out to me directly if you have any questions.


Tom Stritikus
Fort Lewis College

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