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Faculty & Staff news


Faculty & Staff news briefs

Durango Lodgers Tax Increase

Addressing concern that the proposed increase to the Durango lodgers tax would make the city less appealing to tourists, Wade Litt, assistant professor of Economics, says other cities that introduced similar increases did not see substantial declines in tourism. In an interview with The Durango Herald, Litt said, "Given that we're already below the Colorado’s not going to make us the most expensive city. Definitely not by a long shot."

Heidi Steltzer studies alpine plants to understand drought

Mountain plants tell many stories, according to Heidi Steltzer, professor of Environment & Sustainability and Biology. As part of a team studying alpine plants in Crested Butte, Colorado, she used the plants' biomass, height, water in their leaves, and the nutrients they hold to tell the story of water usage and increasing drought in the area.


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