Counseling Center Wellness Workshops
Open to students, faculty, and staff
We've all felt the challenge to meet our basic human needs for connection, health and security, empowerment, freedom, and the enjoyment of being alive. Gain valuable insights and learn tips and tricks to manage the stress of everyday.
Sign up ahead of time or drop in for free 60-minute Wellness Workshops.
Offered periodically, contact Counseling Center for dates & times.
The Anxiety Toolbox is a three-part series to help you better recognize your anxiety symptoms and triggers and learn strategies for coping with and reducing your anxiety symptoms.
Attendance of all three sessions is encouraged because each workshop builds upon the last. Everyone will have the opportunity to create a plan to manage their anxiety symptoms utilizing tools learned in the workshop.
An interactive workshop about romantic relationships. Learn skills to establish, maintain, and exit a romantic relationship.
Build skills to help you manage your emotions by understanding your concerns, learning ways to view and approach your concerns, and increasing ways to live with a wide range of emotions. Attendance of all three sessions is encouraged because each workshop builds upon the last.
Location: 260 Noble HallPhone: 970-247-7212Local Crisis Hotline: 970-247-5245Email:
Fall/Winter Terms:8 a.m. - noon, 1-5 p.m., Monday-Friday
Summer:8 a.m. - noon, 1-5 p.m., Tuesday & Thursday