The Fort Lewis College Counseling Center staff acknowledge and respect that students come from various intersectional backgrounds and bring multiple perspectives, beliefs, and strengths unique to each of you. We welcome everyone and value your diverse experiences and identities.
We recognize the historical impact of racism, discrimination, and injustice on people and communities and how these systemic inequalities may continue to affect the wellness of people and communities today.
By understanding the history, present achievements, and challenges faced by people from numerous social identities, we can celebrate successes while continuing to advocate for social change and justice.
We are engaged in ongoing efforts to diversify our staff, grow our ability as a team to be culturally responsive and inclusive, and look at and change policies, language, and practices that don’t align with this effort. As a whole, our staff members, regardless of identity, aspire to create a safe, affirming, inclusive and welcoming environment at the Counseling Center.