Sex supplies

Student Well-Being has teamed up with to offer a variety of educational resources (including FREE CONDOMS AND LUBE- stop by the WellPAC Peer Educator Office at 179 Student Union in the Leadership Center to pick some up!).

The Health Center in Skyhawk Station also provides contraceptive care, HIV and STI testing, and more!

Health care and connection

Meet with a peer educator in the Student Union to talk about sexual health and/or other topics and get connected with resources.

Connect with a counselor or with FLC’s victim advocate through the Counseling Center in Noble Hall

Sex Ed in your residence hall

Student Well-Being can provide programming that includes prizes and fun activities in collaboration with housing staff!

Request a sexual health educational program from WellPAC!

Ask Horny the Sex Box

Check out Horny the Sex Box, the Instagram dropbox for anonymous sex questions and answers for and by students! 

Sexual Health Educator

Apply to become a paid “Can We Talk” sexual health educator! For more information, email Kendra Gallegos Reichle.

Additional resources

Contact us

We're here to keep our community safe and inclusive. Have a concern?

Report a campus concern

Student Well-Being

Location: 178 Student Union Building
Fax: 970-247-7487
Phone: 970-247-7508

M-F: 8:30 am – 5 pm

Grub Hub

Location: Student Union, RM 5, across from the Post Office

Food Pantry Hours - Fall 2024

M & F 8 am - 4 pm
T, W, Th | 9 am - 7 pm

Go to Grub Hub