Campus Police and Parking
The Fort Lewis College Police Department operates twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days each year. The officers conduct vehicle and foot patrols on campus and are charged with protecting the safety of campus and serving the FLC Community. They enforce state and local laws and Fort Lewis College policy, especially as the latter relates to the Student Conduct Policy. They are a 911 call away should you be a victim of a crime or find yourself in an unsafe situation. They alert the campus community of safety issues through “Skyhawk Alert”, emails and social media. To report a concern to the FLC police call 247-7123, use the Safe 2 Tell app, or if an emergency, 911.
As Campus Police, we are here to support Fort Lewis College's mission by providing a safe learning, working, and living environment. We invite you to browse through our website to learn more about our department and the services we provide. Feel free contact us if you need more information.
Our Commitment to Community
Policing is an ever evolving profession and adopting new best practices committed to diversity equity and inclusion is a dedication we embrace. The Fort Lewis College Police Department is committed to hearing from our community and working to end systemic racism.
Read Chief of Police Brett Deming's entire statement on diversity, equity, and inclusion.