Excerpt from the 1940 Colorado State College Bulletin
The National Youth Administration and the State Board for Vocational Education are cooperating with the State Board of Agriculture in making vocational training available at the Fort Lewis Branch of the Colorado State College.
This work is organized for young men of limited finances, who are interested in agriculture and farm building construction, and for young women interested in homemaking training.
Training for Men
Training in Building Construction
Under the guidance of an experienced carpenter the vocational students have constructed a 32'xl9O'dormitory. This building will house fifty vocational students. About thirty are living in it at the present time. In addition to training in construction skills this project is a laboratory in which much valuable information is gained regarding low-cost farm structures. Other construction work is planned for the future.
Training in Agriculture
Approximately one half of the student's time is devoted to training in agriculture and related subjects. The related training consists of classes in practical English, science, arithmetic, and citizenship. The work in agriculture is made more practical by a program of cooperative farming. The profits from this activity, which consists in growing crops and breeding and fattening livestock, are divided annually among the students in proportion to the number of hours each has worked
The students are paid from funds appropriated by Congress to the National Youth Administration. The Fort Lewis College sponsors the project and furnishes supervision and instruction. Each youth is paid thirty dollars a month, from which his board and lodging which cannot exceed twenty-two dollars, is deducted. If the student avails himself of the social and athletic activities of the college he has additional charges to pay.
Who may enroll:
Enrollment is open to young men between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five. In order to enroll, a written application must be made on forms which will be furnished upon request.
It is not necessary for applicants to be graduated from high school. Training varies to meet the individual's background of school and other experience. Those who are high-school graduates may take a maximum of five hours of work for credit by paying the necessary fees.
Enrollment Periods
Students may enroll anytime from May to September or during the month of January. It is advantageous to enroll for at least one year.
Bedding and Clothing.
Students must furnish their own work and dress clothes and bedding above the mattress.
Training for Women
Vocational Homemaking
Requirements for admission in the vocational homemaking project for girls are similar to those for vocational boys; namely, a girl who has reached the age of eighteen and is under twenty-five may enroll.
Training is given through work projects and class instruction. The work projects give training in cooking, sewing, housekeeping, laundering, canning and care of dairy products.
Class instruction is offered in grooming, art in the home, sewing, cookery, housekeeping accounts, family relationships, buying, home furnishing, child care, home care of the sick, and personality development.
The 1947-48 Fort Lewis Catalog shows that Vocational Training was no longer offered. It was most likely replaced by the Veterans Institutional On-the Farm Program after the War.