Download Site Guidelines 2025 (PDF)
Cooperative Spirit: Farmers should cooperate with one another while working at the farm. Farmers will share equipment, a wash station, coolers, irrigation systems, and other resources. If any problems arise that farmers are not able to mediate on their own, please contact the program coordinator to ask for assistance resolving the disagreement.
Season Dates: The season will be from May 1 until October 1. Farmers are responsible for removing all crops and infrastructure by October 1.
Good Standing: Farmers will be expected to remain in good standing throughout the year by attending all required classes and workdays as well as being current on financial obligations. Farmers who are not in good standing will lose access to tools, equipment, processing shed, and marketing services.
Plot Assignments: Farmers will have individual plots and may enter another farmer’s plot only if they have permission. Final determination for plots rests with program staff.
Day/Time: Farmers have use of the site seven days a week during daylight hours only. No camping.
Vehicles: All vehicles must have insurance, and anyone driving on-site must have a valid driver’s license. Parking is limited to the road outside of the incubator plot and established roads within the fence. Please do not block the road leading to the hayfields. To avoid congestion, cars should come inside the fence for loading and unloading only.
Tools: The program will provide commonly used tools that can be checked out for use on-site. Personal tools may be brought onto the site but should be safely stored. FLC, SLB, and the Old Fort are not responsible for lost or stolen items. Communal tools may not be used off-site.
Equipment: Use of small engine machinery (including pump and weed eater) provided by the program can begin after completion of required training. Appropriate personal protection equipment (PPE) must be worn when operating equipment. Outside equipment operators must provide proof of appropriate insurance before entering the incubator site.
Storage: The Old Fort will provide a small shed for storage of communal tools and supplies. All personal tools and equipment are the responsibility of the owner. Tools may not be taken off-site.
Sanitation: Restroom facilities are available in the headquarters area and at the north end of the field. Handwashing stations are available for use in the field and at the processing shed. If paper towels, soap, or water are depleted, please come to the office to resupply. Water coolers may be filled with potable water from the shop or faucet by the propagation house. All other outside faucets deliver non-potable water.
Trash: Farmers are responsible for removing all trash from the field daily.
Wash Station: The Old Fort will provide a basic wash station for post-harvest handling. Potable water is available from the shop. Guidelines for preparation and clean-up of the wash station will be posted and must be followed, including cleaning and sanitizing tables, crates, and equipment before and after use.
Garden Maintenance: Each farmer is responsible for the maintenance of their own plot. If a plot has gone untended and is affecting other farmers’ fields (weed seeds, insect pests, etc.), a member of the program staff will contact the farmer. Farmers will be responsible for the grassy areas East and West of their respective plots. A weed eater will be provided for maintenance of these areas. Appropriate personal protection equipment (PPE) must be worn when operating equipment.
Cover Crops: The Old Fort will perform fall tillage after October 1 and plant the cover crop for all plots. Any assigned land that is not in production by July 1 must be cover-cropped by the individual farmer.
Water Availability: Farmers will be informed of the growing season’s water availability each spring. Adjustments to crop plans may be required.
Irrigation Supplies: The Old Fort will provide pumps, mainline, and pressure regulators for each 1/8-acre zone. Farmers are responsible for header lines, valves, drip tape, and associated maintenance. All personal irrigation systems must be removed at the end of the season.
Electric Pumps: The Old Fort will provide electric pumps for the drip irrigation zones. Considerable coordination will need to occur among farmers to ensure that all plots are watered in a timely manner.
Growing Organically: Organic practices will be used by all incubators. Program staff will be available to help farmers determine the best organic practices for pest management and crop fertilization. All additions, amendments, and applications must be properly documented.
Food Safety Guidelines: Incubators will ensure that all workers follow food safety guidelines when working in fields or processing produce.
Interns, Apprentices, and Volunteer Labor: Incubators will follow the Fair Labor Standards Act law relative to interns, apprentices, and volunteer labor.
Children and Guests: Children should always be supervised by a parent. Incubators assume all responsibility for the training and safety of any employees, volunteers, or family members working their plot. All guests are required to follow these same guidelines.
Pets: Because of food safety concerns, no pets are allowed on incubator sites (including plots, wash station, root cellar, or cooler space). Please make arrangements for your pets to be leashed or in a vehicle at all times.
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: Use of alcohol and drugs is not allowed on the site. As of January 1, 2019, the Old Fort is a non-smoking and vaping property.
Fires: Open flames and fires in the field are not allowed. The use of the flame weeder is permitted under favorable circumstances.
Firearms: No firearms are allowed at the Old Fort.
Security: Gates to the incubator plots should be closed at all times even when farmers are in the field. FLC will not be responsible for damage done by animals, including cattle, when gates are left open.
General and Product Liability: Incubators must have both general and product liability insurance naming both Fort Lewis College and the State Land Board as additional insured. This insurance is available through the Old Fort Market Garden Cooperative.
End of Season: Each participant will be responsible for clearing their plot by October 1. This includes removing all irrigation, farm supplies, and plant materials from the site. No winter storage space is available for tools and equipment.
Violation of Policies: Farmers will be notified of blatant violations of these policies and will meet with program staff as soon as possible. You are responsible for informing all guests of these policies and will be held responsible for their actions. Serious violations will result in expulsion from the program.