How to receive a NATW
Be accepted as a student to FLC to begin the NATW process.
*Colorado residents: The NATW covers the cost of in-state tuition. Make sure you apply for in-state tuition through the Colorado Opportunity Fund.
Undergraduate students
Undergraduate students show eligibility for the NATW by being:
An enrolled Tribal citizen
Provide your tribal enrollment documentation (both sides of your tribal enrollment card, CIB, or an official verification letter from your tribe with your enrollment number) to your Admission Portal.
Descended from an enrolled Tribal citizen
Graduate students
Graduate students submit their NATW documentation through the Graduate Studies application process.
Additional financial resources
Tribal agency scholarships
Contact your tribal agency to find out how to apply for additional financial assistance. Most tribal agencies require students to complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and submit a Financial Need Analysis (FNA) form. The Financial Aid Office completes the FNA once your FAFSA is processed.
The FAFSA takes time to process, so please fill it out before your FNA request. If your agency permits, we can share budget forecasts with them for students who still need a complete financial aid file.
The Native American Center
Find additional scholarship opportunities through our Native American Center (NAC). The NAC also provides community, tutoring, and campus cultural events.
A brief history of the NATW
The old Fort Lewis property in Hesperus, Colorado, was a military base and Indian boarding school in the 1800s. In 1910, the U.S. federal government offered to hand the property over to the State of Colorado with the following stipulations: the property must remain an educational center and be inclusive of Native American students who would be admitted tuition-free and offered an education equal to all students.
Today, about 45% of FLC's student population is Native American or Alaska Native, representing over 185 tribes and villages. FLC is engaged in continuing efforts to Indigenize its curriculum, deliver education, and increase understanding of our collective journey forward.