Title: | Chief Ouray, Ute, portrait photo | |
Date/circa: | 1900/1930 | |
Photographer: | Walker Art Studio (Montrose, Colo.) | |
Subjects: | Chief Ouray--Portraits; ; ; Ute Indians--Photographs; | |
Notes: | Portrait photo of Chief Ouray sitting in a chair with a carved column in the background. He appears to be wearing a beaded buckskin shirt with fringes. His hair is braided into two long ponytails that drape over his shoulders.The photo is a copy of another photo taken by Brady in Washington, D.C. The words "Brady" and "Washington D.C." are printed at bottom of photo. Two numbers written on sleeve 1416 and (more recently) 421. Also typed on sleeve is "Ouray Copy" | |
Negative#: | 2470 |
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