001, Record Group 18:
---Sub-group/Series # and Title---Records description
Record Group 18: Educational Support
Sub-group 18.A Assessment Office
Series 18.A.1 Reports, 1967, 1972, 1981-1995, in 1 document case through Series 18.A.5. (includes--stored in office--annual assessment reports, accountability reports, accreditation reports, and summaries of data from surveys of entering students, students {opinions}and alumni) (these records are retained permanently)Series 18.A.2 Newsletters, 1991-1998, 2000. Includes Test Battery.
Series 18.A.3 Director's records and correspondence, 1986, 1995-96.
Series 18.A.4 Assessment Committee records, 1996-1999.
- Historical note: formed by vote of the Faculty Executive Council on Nov. 15, 1996.
Series 18.A.5 Printed materials, 1988 and 1997-1999. Includes newspaper clippings, posters, and other publicity.Sub-group 18.B Center of Southwest Studies, 1964-ongoing
Series 18.B.1 Printed materials, 1962- , in 5 document cases. (Arrangement is chronological) (Includes Opportunities for Research and occasional papers pamphlets; early materials on Southwest Days; Web page printouts, newspaper clippings, posters, Archival Booster Award certificates, and other publicity. Also includes the spiral bound reports of the Center's transcriptions of the proceedings of three two-day group workshop sessions of the Affiliation Conference on Ancestral Peoples of the Four Corners Region conducted through a cooperative agreement between the National Park Service and Fort Lewis College on January 23-24, February 20-21, and April 17-18 of 1998, Philip G. Duke, Principal Investigator, with the assistance of Allen Bohnert of the NPS. Catherine Conrad, Administrative Assistant at the Center of Southwest Studies, did nearly all of the transcribing (several students assisted with a small portion of the transcribing). As noted in the preface to these three spiral-bound volumes, this conference "was intended to bring together tribal representatives, government agency representatives and members of the academic community to discuss issues concerning the affiliation of archaeological materials and sites that have traditionally been classified as Anasazi. The conference was in response to issues raised by the implementation of the Native American Graves and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA)." These transcriptions are housed in 3 folders in Series 18.B.1 as accession 1999:04005.01; the master audiocassettes are accession 1999:04005.02.Series 18.B.2 Directors' records and correspondence, 1957- , in 12 document cases. (Arrangement is chronological) (includes records of directors Robert Delaney, Richard Ellis, Duane Smith, Philip Duke, Andrew Gulliford, and [Interim] Jeanne Brako) (see also Series 18.B.2.2 for budgets and financial records; see Series 19.YY.1 for NAGPRA Committee records and see Series 18.B.5 for records of two major NAGPRA-related grants by the Center of Southwest Studies)
Series 18.B.3 Archivist's records and correspondence, 1975, 1984, and 1991-ongoing, in 4 document cases and 1 flat box. Includes earlier correspondence regarding Fort Lewis College museum and artifacts collections/ program development circa 1950s. (See also Series 18.B.7 for printed inventories, special collection guides, forms, and policy statements.)Series 18.B.2.1 Directors' reports, 1988-1997, (missing 1996), in 1/2 document case. (See also Series 18.B.8 for published annual reports.)
Series 18.B.2.2 Budgets and financial records, 1990-1996 and 2000-ongoing, in 1/2 document case.
Sub-series 18.B.3.1 Archivist's records and correspondence. Includes Colorado State Archives reports.Series 18.B.4 Center of Southwest Studies Advisory Board records 1964-1971, 1986-1997, and 2005-ongoing, in 6 document cases. Includes records of earlier Center of Southwest Studies Advisory Committee (1964-1971) and Steering Committee records (1987-1997). The Center of Southwest Studies Advisory Board was established by President Bartel in the Fall of 2005 and meets quarterly.
Sub-series 18.B.3.2 Collection use records, 1992-ongoing, in 1 document case.
Sub-series 18.B.3.3 Archives and records management annual reports, 1997-ongoing.Series 18.B.5 Grant proposals and reports, 1968-ongoing. Includes Division of Cultural Studies, 1975-1979. Includes 1 document case of documents produced circa 1994-2004 by the directors of the Center of Southwest Studies as part of two grants related to Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA): the initial grant to compile with NAGPRA regulations, and the grant for the Cultural Affiliation conferences that were held at the Center. (See also Series 18.G.3 for grants pertaining to the later Native American Center, and see Subgroup 19.YY for NAGPRA Committee records. Copies of the printed transcriptions from the Cultural Affiliation conferences are cataloged for use in the Delaney Library and are also in Series 18.B.1.)
Series 18.B.6 Staff meeting minutes, 1975, 1995, 2000-ongoing, in 1/2 document case.
Series 18.B.7 Special collections forms, guides, and policy statements, including signed Loan Forms, bulk years 1962-ongoing (See also prior forms and statements etc. in Series 18.B.2.)
Series 18.B.8 Newsletters / annual reports, 1994-ongoing. Includes Timelines annual newsletter, 1996 spring -2000, 2006-ongoing and Delaney Library E-news about Archives, 2006 Fall-ongoing.
Series 18.B.9 Year-end special collection/ artifacts annual inventory reports, collection shelf lists, and M001 FLC Archives collection guides, bulk years 1970-ongoing, in 6 document cases.
Series 18.B.10 Records disposition schedules.
Series 18.B.11 Records management certificates of compliance.
Series 18.B.12 Records deaccession records (form SW-53).
Series 18.B.13 Records inventory worksheets (form SW-10).
Series 18.B.14 Curator's records and correspondence, 2001-ongoing.
(See Series 18.B.3 for earlier correspondence regarding Fort Lewis College museum and artifacts collections/ program development circa 1950s, and see also Series 18.B.7 for printed inventories, special collection guides, forms, and policy statements.)Series 18.B.15 Librarian's records and correspondence, 2002-ongoing.
(See Series 18.B.3 for earlier correspondence regarding Fort Lewis College museum and artifacts collections/ program development circa 1950s, and see also Series 18.B.7 for printed inventories, special collection guides, forms, and policy statements)Series 18.B.16 Southwest Accessions / Deaccessions Committee records, 2000-ongoing.
Historical note: The Southwest Accessions / Deaccessions Committee committee first met on September 19, 2000, on the eve of the move into the new Center of Southwest Studies facility, to provide advice and guidance on the acquisition and disposal of collection items for the Center and to establish a book reappraisal procedure, which the staffs of Reed Library and the Center used in determining which books stayed at Reed Library and which were brought into the new Center building. As per the email from the Center's Director dated August 11, 2000,"This committee will serve the staff in an advisory role, to ensure that the Center's holdings fit within its collection scope and coincide with the Center's mission. At its regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, July 26, 2000, the staff of the Center of Southwest Studies approved the formation of an Accessions/ Deaccessions Committee. The Committee will be comprised of the Director, the Archivist, the Curator, [and, once the position was added, the Librarian], a representative from the Department of Anthropology, one person to represent both the Department of History and the Department of Southwest Studies (to be selected by their chairs), the Dean of Development [as of 2007, the Executive Director] or a delegate chosen by her, as a representative of the FLC Foundation, and Reed Library's Southwest Studies liaison librarian [or another Reed Librarian], for a total of seven (7) [with the addition of the Center Librarian, 8] members. This is a permanent, standing committee of the Center of Southwest Studies. Committee members may invite other faculty, staff, and friends of the College to participate on occasion, depending upon expertise. The purpose of the committee is to decide whether or not an item (artifact, papers, books, etc.) is to be permanently accepted and accessioned into the collections of the CSWS. Each accession requires the Center to care for the item(s) in perpetuity, a considerable investment of resources in terms of the staff time and physical care necessary."
The guiding policy statements for the Committee are the Center's collection policy, its general restriction access policy, and any other relevant collection management policies of the Center. The Committee has established blanket acquisition authorizations for such as the Fort Lewis College archival materials and for any collections materials that do not exceed 3 linear shelf feet, deferring to the judgment of the relevant professional staff in those cases. The Committee meets on an ad hoc basis, almost always via email.
Series 18.B.17 Exhibit documentation, 2001-ongoing. Includes records of the production of exhibits; newspaper clippings, exhibit announcement postcards and other publicity materials; and photographs and other documentation of Center of Southwest Studies exhibits. Arrangement is chronological, grouped within that by the name of the particular exhibit. Note: digital image files documenting exhibits are on the server.
Series 18.B.18 Internship reports and records. Includes Hopi Language Booklet: Hopi Vocabulary for the Growing Student by Darlene J. Leslie, 2006
Sub-group 18.C Office of Community Services (1974-2011)
Series 18.D.1 Catalogs, bulk
years 1953-ongoing, in 2 document cases.
Series 18.D.2 Other printed materials, bulk
years 1937-ongoing, in 1.5
document cases. Includes newspaper clippings, posters, and other
Series 18.D.3 Reports (includes
minutes), 1941, 1957, 1969, 1970-1972, and 1986-87, in 1/2 document case.
Series 18.D.4 Director's records and correspondence,
1948-50, 1955-56, 1959-1969, 1971-1975, 2001-ongoing, in 1 document case.
Series 18.D.5 Projects and grants records, 1970-1976, 1984-85,
1992, 1994, in 3 document cases.
Series 18.E.1 Printed materials, 1972-1977 and 1994-1996, in 1/2 document case. Includes newspaper clippings, posters, and other publicity.Sub-group 18.F Institutional Research and Planning Office
Series 18.E.2 Coordinator's records and correspondence, 1973, 1977, 1987 and 1996, in 1/2 document case.
Series 18.E.3 Projects and grants records, bulk years 1970-1984, in 1.5 document cases.
Series 18.E.4 Students' reports on Co-op projects, 1979-1992, in 1/2 document case.
Series 18.F.1 Printed materials, 1957, 1981-1983, 1986, and 1990, in 1/2 document case. Includes newspaper clippings, posters, and other publicity.Sub-group 18.G Native American Center
Series 18.F.2 Coordinator's records and correspondence, 1960, 2000-ongoing, in 1/2 document case.
Series 18.G.1 Native American education records, 1945-1996 (bulk years 1956-96), in 2 document cases holding records through Series 18.G.3. This series includes records pertaining to the Albuquerque Indian School, 1956.Sub-group 18.H Library (John F. Reed Library) (includes the Center for Instructional Technology, formerly the Audiovisual Center) (Library Committee records and correspondence are in Sub-group 19.S)
(See Series 18.J.16 for Native American student records, andsee Series 7.B.11 for records pertaining to the Native American education tuition waiver.)Series 18.G.2 Director's records and correspondence, bulk 1959-1981.
Series 18.G.3 Grant proposals and reports, bulk 1960-1990, in 16 document cases.
Includes U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs instructional aides summer institutes, 1961-1969, and Project Trail--which was not funded-- and grants funded by Title III, Higher Education Act of 1963-1970s, et al. (See also Series 18.B.5 re: Title III etc. funds for Southwest Center, Division of Cultural Studies.)Series 18.G.4 Printed materials, 1960-ongoing (bulk years 1960-1998), in 1 document case. Includes newspaper clippings, posters, and other publicity, and materials pertaining to Keepers of the Sacred Trust, formed by a group of students in about 1993 to address issues regard funding for the Native American Center. Also includes the NAC Newsletter, first issue printed July, 2010.
Sub-group 18.G.5 Wanbli Ota Indian Club, 1961-ongoing, records in 2 document cases, artifacts in 2 lidded boxes (note: also spelled Wambli Ota).
Series 18.G.6 Bala Sinem choir records (choir specializing in Native American songs), 1971-72, 1985, and 1994. (See box of photos in Series 10.10) To listen to a 33-minute recording of the choir singing American Indian songs and chants in 1973, click here for side A and click here for side B.
- Historical note: formerly the Wambidiota Club; and includes the former Shalako Indian Club, circa 1960s.
Series 18.G.5.1 Printed materials, bulk 1961-1974 and 1994-ongoing. Includes newspaper clippings, posters, and other publicity.Series 18.G.5.2 Newsletter, 1981-1987, 1995-ongoing, (Includes Wanbli Ota News, 1995 March, Vol. 1, issue 2 only). (The former Wambidiota News, 1981-1987, is in Series 18.G.8.)
Series 18.G.5.3 Records and correspondence (includes Hozhoni Days records), 1961-73, 1983, 1996, 2001-ongoing.
Series 18.G.5.4 Intertribal News records and correspondence, 1995-ongoing.
(The publication itself is in Series 18.G.8.)Series 18.G.5.5 Wanbli Ota Indian Club artifacts. Includes Miss Hozhoni crowns (3 items).
Series 18.G.5.6 Wanbli Ota Indian Club meeting minutes, 1998 Jan.-Feb., in 1 folder.
Series 18.G.7 Native American Honor Society records, 1995-ongoing.
Series 18.G.8 Intertribal News Fort Lewis College American Indian student newsletter/ newspaper, 1981-1995 and 1996 Sept. 27 and 1997-ongoing, in 2 flat boxes.
Series 18.G.9 Native American Center Director search records, 1997 and 2007, in 1 document case.
- Historical note: begun as The Wambidiota News: Newsletter of the Ft. Lewis College Indian Club, 1981 Nov. 9, Vol. 1, No. 1, which became Intertribal News: Fort Lewis College Indian student newsletter, by 1987 Nov. 20, Vol. 6, No. 5.)
- The Archives' collection for this series includes some originals as well as archival photocopies made in Nov. 1996 from Native American Center originals.
- Gap in Archives' holdings after 1987 Sept. 25, Vol. 6, No. 1, until No. 5 on Nov. 20; and numerous other gaps, especially prior to 1989 and from the issue after 1991 Apr. 19 until 1992 Feb. 7 and when publication was temporarily suspended for the 1995-96 school year due to newsprint price increases and due to a dissertation by Rick Wheelock, the faculty sponsor/ instructor for SW 315 which produces this newspaper; it was resumed on 9/27/1996 as a biweekly publication, aided financially by a grant from Onaway Trust of Leeds.
- Some issues are cataloged on microfilm by the Wisconsin Historical Society--which has incomplete holdings.
Series 18.G.10 United Native American Student Body (UNASB) records
Series 18.G.11 Native American Leadership Forum records, 2011-ongoing.
- Historical note: this organization was formed in the Fall of 1999 as "an all inclusive group for the Native students at Fort Lewis…a way of helping each other succeed in school." (Intertribal News, Feb. 4, 2000, p. 1 cover story) Its governance structure includes seven voting members and one treasurer. It is not affiliated with the ASFLC. It is not a club like Wanbli Ota, nor is it related to the administration of Fort Lewis College as the Native American Center is. The organization planned to apply for non-profit status that would allow it to work in conjunction with the NAC and with the various Native oriented clubs already on campus.)
Series 18.G.12 Buffalo Council records, 2011-ongoing.
Series 18.G.13 Pejuta Tipi Society records, 2012-ongoing.
Series 18.H.1 Printed materials, 1969-ongoing, in 1 document case. Arrangement is alphabetical by subject.Sub-group 18.I Office of Economic Analysis and Business Research (includes former Office of Economic Development)Series 18.H.2 Reports, bulk 1941-1998, in 2 document cases. Includes Library audit information records, 1986-1998.
Series 18.H.3 Director's memoranda and correspondence, 1935-1993, in 1 document case. Arrangement is chronological. (See also subject files in Series 18.H.6)
Series 18.H.4 Accession records, 1935-1939, bulk 1952-1968, in 2 document cases.
Series 18.H.5 Library projects and grants records, 1966-1984 and 1988-89, in 1 document box. Includes records of grants that founded the Audio-Visual Center at Reed Library.
Series 18.H.6 Library subject files, bulk 1969-ongoing, in 3 document boxes containing records through Series 18.H.11. Arrangement of this series is alphabetical by folder header/ topic; contents include budget planning records, various library policies and building records.
(See also chronologically filed Director's records in Series 18.H.3)Series 18.H.7 Friends of the Library records, 1993, 2002-ongoing.
Series 18.H.8 Publicity material, 1966-ongoing. Includes newspaper clippings, posters, and other publicity. Also includes, FLC-Announce and FLC-Official email distribution list messages.
Series 18.H.9 Reed Library newsletters, 1985, 1998-1999, 2003-ongoing. Includes Tracings, NewsNotes, @ Reed Library, and @ your Library.
Series 18.H.10 Library director search records, 2001-.
Series 18.H.11 Library governance records. Includes minutes of meetings of the Library Management Council and the various teams of the Reed Library faculty and staff.
Series 18.I.1 Publications, 1958-1960, 1966, 1971, 1985, 1990, 1994-2002, in 1 document case. Includes reports, newspaper clippings, posters, and other publicity materials.Sub-group 18.J Records Office
(See also Econometer newsletter in Series 18.I.3 and Business Opportunities notebooks in Series 18.I.4; and see School of Business Administration Southwest Business Forum printed materials, et al., in Series 16.5.)Series 18.I.2 Director's records and correspondence, in 1/2 document case.
Series 18.I.3 Econometer newsletter, 1991-ongoing, in 1/2 document case.
Series 18.I.4 Business Opportunities (Durango, Colorado) notebooks, 1987, 1991-92, 1997, 2000, in 1 document case.
Series 18.I.5 Projects and grants records, 1959-60, 1977-78, .5 document case.
Series 18.J.1 Registrar's records and correspondence, bulk 1941-current, in 3 document case. The arrangement is chronological. Includes FLC-Announce and FLC-Official email messages.Sub-group 18.K Academic Advancement Program (Program for Academic Advancement)Series 18.J.2 Timetables and institutional class schedules/ schedule of courses, 1955-current, in 5 document cases. (See also academic calendars in Series 14.5.)
- Historical note: in the 1950s the registrar's title was also Director of Admissions and Records.
- Format note: the fall of 2003 was the last trimester for a printed schedule. Subsequently, the schedule was only accessible online on the College website; whenever possible, Archives staff will print out that schedule for hard-copy retention.
Series 18.J.3 Class lists (original grade sheets), in 1/2 document case.
Series 18.J.4 Registered students lists, 1945-46, 1950-51, 1957-58, 1962-63, and 1965-66, in 1/2 document case.
Series 18.J.5 Enrollment reports, bulk years 1932-95, in 3 document cases and 1 records box.
(See also Series 7.B.2 for admissions statistics records andsee Series 18.J.16 for Native American students records.)Series 18.J.6 Graduation rosters, 1914-1936, 1956-ongoing, in 1 document case that contains records through Series 18.J.9. This series includes lists of recommended candidates for graduation; since 1996, these are in the form of printouts of emailed lists and is confidential.
(For commencement programs, see Series 10.5.)Series 18.J.7 Degree statistics, 1964-65, 1968-1970 and 1979.
Series 18.J.8 Grade statistics, 1951-52, 1954-1959 and 1966.
Series 18.J.9 Academic records (narrative evaluations, competency assessments, etc.), 1958-1959 and 1961.
Series 18.J.10 Final grade lists, 1933, in 1 document case that includes records through Series 18.12.
Series 18.J.11 Change forms, 1930s, 1976, 1987, 1991 and 1994-1996. Includes update documents to change schedules, grades, etc.
Series 18.J.12 Non-current student transcripts, 1920s-1957, (bulk years 1931-1957), in 2 document cases. Includes high school transcripts of early Fort Lewis College students.
(See Series 11.C.6 for transcripts of students of the former Fort Lewis High School, 1911-1933.)Series 18.J.13 Entrance examinations records (retain until no longer needed for reference)
Series 18.J.14 Projects and grants records.
Series 18.J.15 Native American students records, 1950-1968. Includes lists of enrolled students by tribe, lists of graduated Native American students, etc.
(See Series 7.B.11 for Indian tuition waiver and tribal grants/ scholarships records.)Series 18.J.16 Publicity materials, newspaper clippings from 1950-ongoing. Includes newspaper clippings, posters, and other publicity.
Series 18.J.17 WebOPUS records and printed materials, 2000. (WebOpus is an online database intended for the sole use of Fort Lewis College employees, faculty members, alumni, students and other authorized users).
Series 18.J.18 Inter-collegiate course transfer articulation agreements, 1989-2003, in 9 document cases (more than 100 transfer guides). These are printed schedules of course descriptions and equivalencies between Fort Lewis College and other higher education institutions. Those institutions include most of the community colleges and universities in Colorado and in the Four Corners region. These include: Aims Community College, Colorado Mountain College, Community College of Aurora, Community College of Denver, Navajo Community College (and more recently, Dine College), Pueblo Community College, Red Rocks Community College, San Juan College, Trinidad State College, and the University of Colorado.
Series 18.K.1 Printed materials, 1983, 1993-1996, 2000-ongoing, in 1 document case that contains records through Series 18.K.3. Includes newspaper clippings, posters, and other publicity.Sub-group 18.L Cultural Studies Program
Series 18.K.2 Reports.
Series 18.K.3 Director's records and correspondence.
Series 18.K.4 Projects and grants records, 1989 and 1993-1999, in 1 document case.
Series 18.K.5 Staff meeting minutes, 1997-ongoing, in 2 document cases.
Series 18.L.1 Printed materials, 1968, 1988, in 1 document case that contains records through Series 18.M.3. This series includes newspaper clippings, posters, and other publicity.Sub-group 18.M Honors Program (John F. Reed honors program)
Series 18.L.2 Reports.
Series 18.L.3 Director's records and correspondence.
Sub-group 18.N Intensive English Program (this is the Summer Intensive English Program, educating Japanese students et al. at Fort Lewis College)Series 18.M.1 Printed materials, 1945-46, 1963, 1975, 1983, 1985, 1991-1993, and ongoing. Includes newspaper clippings, posters, and other publicity. Topics include the annual faculty presentation about Nobel Prize winners. Also includes, FLC-Announce and FLC-Official email distribution list messages.
Series 18.M.2 Reports.
Series 18.M.3 Director's records and correspondence.
Series 18.M.4 Honors Program Student Papers.
Series 18.M.5 Policies, applications.
Series 18.N.1 Printed materials, 1989-1995, in 1 document case. Includes newspaper clippings, posters, and other publicity.Sub-group 18.O Japan Program (See also Cooperative Education office Sub-group 18.E; this and other programs are coordinated by the staff of that office.)
Series 18.N.2 Reports.
Series 18.N.3 Director's records and correspondence.
Series 18.O.1 Printed materials, 1981-ongoing. Includes newspaper clippings, posters, and other publicity.Sub-group 18.P Student Exchange Program (includes records of Fort Lewis College's leave-exchange program with Hampshire College, Massachusetts, 1999 Jan.-)
Series 18.O.2 Reports.
Series 18.O.3 Director's records and correspondence.
Series 18.O.4 Japanese Club records, 1995-ongoing.
Series 18.P.1 Printed materials , newspaper clippings dating from 1970. Includes newspaper clippings, posters, and other publicity.Sub-group 18.Q Minority Students Summer Outreach Programs, in 1 document case that contains records through Series 18.S 1. This sub-group includes records of the Colorado Alliance for Minority Participation, CO-AMP.
Series 18.P.2 Reports.
Series 18.P.3 Director's records and correspondence, 1995-ongoing.
Series 18.Q.1 Printed materials, 1969-2003 (bulk years 1969-1993). Includes newspaper clippings, posters, and other publicity.Sub-group 18.R Integrated Learning Program
Series 18.Q.2 Director's records and correspondence.
Series 18.Q.3 Projects and grants records.
Series 18.R.1 Printed materials, 1966-1999, (bulk years 1992-1999). Includes newspaper clippings, posters, and other publicity.Sub-group 18.S General Studies--Including, but not limited to, names of General Education programs at FLC-- Human Heritage; Thematic Studies; Education for Global Citizenship (EGC).
Series 18.R.2 Director's records and correspondence, 1992-2001.
Series 18.R.3 Projects and grants records.
Series 18.S.1 Contains documents representing teaching and learning which includes but is not limited to--course syllabi and printed materials-- 1982, 1985, and 1992-ongoing.Sub-group 18.T Governmental Relations Office
Series 18.S.2 Contains administrative records and correspondence, 1971-1981, 1991 and 1999.
Series 18.S.3 Projects and grants records, 1987-1989 and 1992.
Series 18.T.1 Printed materials, 1994. Includes newspaper clippings, posters, and other publicity.Sub-group 18.U Writing Program This sub-group includes records pertaining to academic instruction in composition--Comp 150 and Comp 190 courses, Tier II/ Comp 390, and the former Freshman/ Sophomore Composition Seminar Program.
Series 18.T.2 Director's records and correspondence.
Series 18.T.3 Projects and grants records.
Series 18.U.1 Contains administrative records from the director, faculty and staff. This includes official records, grant proposals, correspondence, memoranda, & mission statements.Sub-group 18.V Pre-Professional Programs, in 1 document case. Includes Pre-Law, Health Careers, Pre-Med, Pre-Dental, Pre-Vet, Pre-Physical Therapy, and Pre-Nursing.
Series 18.U.2 Contains documents representing teaching and learning which includes but is not limited to--faculty handbooks, teaching materials, faculty published reading guides, syllabi, faculty descriptions of classroom teaching and goals. Some materials are restricted access for 25 years.
Series 18.U.3 Printed materials (includes Academic Discourse course readings pack; The Student Researcher newsletter, 1998-ongoing, posters, and other publicity).
Series 18.U.4 The Common Reading Experience, printed materials and emails, 2006.
Series 18.V.1 Printed materials, 1982, 1997-98. Includes newspaper clippings, posters, and other publicity.Sub-group 18.W Upward Bound Program
Series 18.V.2 Director's records and correspondence, 1989.
Series 18.V.3 Projects and grants records, 1989-90.
Series 18.W.1 Printed materials, 1969, 2001, in 1 document case that contains records through Series 18.Y. This series includes newspaper clippings, posters, and other publicity.Sub-group 18.X Mountain Studies Program / Mountain Studies Institute (2002-ongoing)
Series 18.W.2 Director's records and correspondence.
Series 18.W.3 Projects and grants records.
Series 18.X.1 Printed materials, 2002-ongoing. Includes newspaper clippings, The Benchmark, posters, and other publicity.Sub-group 18.Y Tutoring Center (2010-ongoing) (formerly the Academic Advising & Student Success Center, 1999-2010)
Series 18.X.2 Director's records and correspondence.
Series 18.X.3 Projects and grants records.
Series 18.Y.1 Printed materials, 1999. Includes newspaper clippings, posters, and other publicity. Also includes, FLC-Announce and FLC-Official email distribution list messages.Sub-group 18.Z Testing Center (2005-ongoing)
Series 18.Y.2 Director's records and correspondence, 2003.
Series 18.Y.3 Projects and grants records.
Series 18.Z.1 Printed materials, 2005-. Includes newspaper clippings, posters, and other publicity.
Series 18.Z.2 Coordinator's records and correspondence.
Series 18.Z.3 Projects and grants records.
These collections are located at the Center of Southwest Studies on the campus of Fort Lewis College. Interested researchers should phone the archivist at 970/247-7126 or send electronic mail to the archivist at: Click here to use our E-mail Reference Request Form. The Center does not have a budget for outgoing long-distance phone calls to answer reference requests, so please leave your email address if you desire to receive a response from the Center.
Page last modified: June 27, 2013